Terms & Conditions

Last Updated 1 October 2022


Hi there! This website, byshannonrose.com, is owned and operated by Shannon Rose Brown NZBN: 9429048466905. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact: 

Shannon Rose Brown
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: +64 226547675

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from us. Please take a moment to read it, as it sets out the terms of our relationship so that we may both benefit from clear boundaries and knowing what to expect from each other. 

Here on our website & social media platforms you will find content on Business Mentorship for  Leaders in the Coaching Industry. When you visit this website, use our services or purchase our products you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t agree, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase from us.

This document may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.

There may be additional specific terms of service provided to you in relation to our programs / services / training / courses. If there is any inconsistency between this document and those specific terms of service, these Website Terms & Conditions are overruled to the extent of the inconsistency. 

All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with The Consumer Guarantee Act of New Zealand. 

Content Disclaimer

Here on our website & social media platforms you will find content on business coaching & personal development for service based entrepreneurs. You will also find much information on the energetics of business and personal growth that is required for success as a service based entrepreneur.  This information is provided solely for your education, professional and personal development to help you in your business and personal growth.

Content Policy

We take lots of care to provide valuable information but we cannot be responsible for the use that you make of that information. 

Please be aware that the generalised information we provide is not a substitute for specialist advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

 There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to our website unless you explicitly choose to work with us by purchasing our services or products. 

Any testimonials or results we may display on this website are based on our experience and those of our previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.

While we take all reasonable care to ensure that the information we provide is accurate, relevant and up to date, We make no guarantees in this regard and disclaim any legal liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. If you find something that seems problematic, it would be very helpful if you let us know! 

We may modify the content provided on this website at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice. 

Visitor Responsibilities

You are responsible for your own safety and well-being while browsing the internet, our website & social media platforms. The information I provide in my content is generic and is not a substitute for specialised advice tailored to your unique circumstances. Do not take action or make major life decisions without first seeking independent, appropriately qualified professional advice specific to your individual needs. In addition, the suggested embodiment, meditation and breathwork practices in our free and paid content, should be practiced with caution at your own risk. Please always do additional research when partaking in breath & movement practices, to make sure you are well informed when guiding yourself.


This site may offer paid and free downloads. While every effort is made to ensure these downloads are safe and hassle free, we are not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site. Please make safety your priority and ensure you have adequate protection against viruses and other malicious attacks that may occur without my knowledge or consent.

External Links

From time to time we may provide links to external sites. I have no control over the information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information, education or entertainment.

Third Party Advertisements

We may provide links to the websites of my clients or colleagues. Though these are recommendations, we do not explicitly endorse any services or products they offer for sale. While we believe them to be reputable businesses, any relationship you enter into with them is at your own risk, and we are not a party to the transaction in any way. If you find a broken link, feel free to let me know.

Disclaimer for Services

There are a number of ways you may choose to work with us  that are available to purchase or book through our website. The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of our services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly provided to you.

We offer:







Our Intention in offering these services is to support you in the emotional, mental, spiritual and practical energetics of building a successful business & body of work. We aim to provide a range of services to suite your specific need and stage of business. We en-devour to support you both in the energetics of business, as well as with strategic & practical business models.


Bachelor of Communications Degree, Major Public Relations, Minor Advertising, Auckland University of Technology

12+ Years of Industry Experience in Marketing, Branding & Startup Business 

Breath of Bliss TM, Group Breathwork Facilitation Certification 

6+ Years Practical Experience in Facilitating Healing Ceremonies using Breath of Bliss Modality

Consistent Yearly Trainings in Somatics, Coaching, Intuitive Development, Healing Arts,  Feminine Embodiment Work & Business Development 

Our Code of Conduct: 

As a provider of services to support your business, we adhere to a code of conduct, to provide a quality experience for you & your business, these include:

  • CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY: Your information, experience or process will remain confidential within our agreement, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • GROUNDED & PRACTICAL ADVICE: Our training, coaching & education, endeavor to provide a grounded & practical approach to apply to your business. This ensures you have the practical business strategy to apply to your business, as well as the energetic shifts.
  • RESOURCES & REFERRALS: In our services where deep personal & professional growth occurs, we en-devour to provide you with the resources, support or recommendations you need to safely integrate these. We acknowledge that our services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals and will make recommendations if this care is needed. 
  • CARE, INTEGRITY & RESPECT: We genuinely care for our clients well being and business growth. We commit to upholding a high standard of care, integrity & respect within our services. 
  • SAFE SPACE: Your emotional, mental & spiritual safety is important to us. We en-devour to provide spaces that are grounded in approach, when working with the spiritual, mental & emotional planes. 
  • OPEN COMMUNICATION: In the event you are dissatisfied with our services, we will always have available open communication lines to understand how we can mend the issue, or amend for the future. 
  • SAFE PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: We en-devour to work within safe professional relationship parameters, to be clear on our working relationship, the time frame of support you will receive and are signing up for. 
  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: We commit to continually developing our expertise & understanding of   New Era Business Strategy to provide you with the best service and strategy.

Client Code of Conduct & Responsibility:

As a client of our services, we have a set of Code of Conduct, as guidelines for you to get the most out of your experience within our services for your business, these include:

  • SELF MOTIVATION & PARTICIPATION: As part of the mutual agreement to work with us in our services, you understand that it is up to you to be self motivated and participate in the programs, show up for sessions or partake in recorded course content, to get the results you desire. The content & material do not guarantee any specific results, including business or personal growth. You cannot hold Shannon Rose Brown liable for any results not gained due to lack of participation, action or uptake of content. 
  • EMOTIONAL SELF RESPONSIBILITY: On signing up to work with us in our services, you understand that your emotional, mental & physical wellbeing is your own responsibility and that our services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. If you are moving through large adverse trauma, you agree to consult Shannon before signing up for the service, to assure she is resourced to support you. Shannon Brown will at all times exercise their best professional efforts, skills, and care.
  • SOVEREIGNTY & SELF AUTHORITY: On signing up to work with us in our services, you agree to uphold your own sovereignty & decision making capabilities and understand that any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Shannon Brown liable for any actions that you take. You understand that holding you accountable for your decision making, supports the anchoring of your leadership authority.
  • PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY: On signing up for a service, you understand that payment for the service is your responsibility. Full payment of the service fees is required. There are no cancellations or refunds. Either full payment or successful sign up of a payment plan is required to sign up for the service. Please be empowered in your decision to join the service, before committing financially. 
  • TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION: On signing up for a service, you agree to stay open in communication with Shannon if your circumstances change, if you have a concern or issue, and to keep Shannon in the loop of your business. You understand it is your responsibility to keep Shannon updated, to ensure she knows how best to support you.
  • AVAILABILITY SCHEDULE: On signing up for a service, you agree to accept Shannon's availability schedule, including times and dates for booking sessions, and private chat / messaging support if included. This is subject to change. As a rule of thumb, Shannon’s schedule is Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Shannon does not work Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise stated. Private messaging availability may be more limited then stated above.
  • CHANGES & AMENDMENTS: On signing up for a service, you agree to reasonable changes being made to schedules, content or inclusions, that is in the best interest of your business growth, as indicated by Shannon and her team. You understand that Shannon works intuitively, based on what is arising within the group collective and wider collective field. You understand that the content will be dynamic, fresh & forever changing for the ultimate transformation to occur.
  • ETHICAL CONDUCTION: In signing up for this service, you agree to conduct yourself professionally and ethically throughout the service, from a physical and energetic standpoint. If conduct is deemed unacceptable and not corrected after notice, Shannon reserves the right to remove you from the service.
  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: On signing up to work with us, our training, course content & any resources may be viewed online or downloaded with 1 copy only to your device. Course content contains my trade secrets that are offered exclusively to students. It is an essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not attempt to duplicate any part of our intellectual property under yours or someone else's name including all methods & formulas or provide extracts of any course content to anyone else under any circumstances. 


With the Majority of Shannon's work being Online, risks are minimal, however there are some risks that must be taken into account: 

EFFECT OF TRANSFORMATIVE WORK: Signing up for Shannon's services may bring unexpected healing to the surface, openings of gifts, and new perspective that may provoke you to make changes in your life. In signing up for a service, you acknowledge that you are fully equipped for thus changes, and that you are aware that Shannon's services often evoke deep transformation. You agree to consult Shannon if you have large adverse untreated trauma, BEFORE you sign up for a service to assure we can support you, or recommend you onto someone who can. 

BREATHWORK RISKS: Signing up for a service that uses breathwork as a modality has risks that may occur if not practiced properly as guided by Shannon. Breathwork can cause reduced carbon dioxide and other alterations in blood chemistry that can lead to dizziness, fainting, weakness, spasms of the hands and feet, and even seizures. This can be avoided and remedied through various techniques Shannon shares.


Our healing services must not be mistaken as medical advice. You acknowledge that Shannon Brown is not a licensed psychologist or healthcare professional and the services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals.

Our business services must not be mistaken for financial advice. You acknowledge Shannon Brown is not an accredited financial advisor and the services do not replace the practice of a financial advisor. 

Any guidance and future projections we may offer you, should NOT be taken as hard truth, as there are many variables that create the future, outside of intuitive guidance, like free will, choices and courses of action. Our services & guidance are not excuses to forfeit your own sovereign free will, choice or intuition. All decisions you make during our services are your own responsibility.

Professional advice: 

If any concerns arise in your mental health during our services, I strongly recommend you seek advice from a mental health professional, and inform our team ASAP. 


Those suitable for our services have been on the healing journey for several years and are ready to take their reclaimed gifts and create a business from them. They are self-assured, resilient, self-regulated & ready to make a change. They are aware of the POWER of spiritual work to transform lives, and are well resourced to integrate these shifts and changes. They have huge belief in themselves and know in their heart they have a body of work to share with work and are committed to realizing it.


  • You might not be a good fit for this work if you have any large adverse trauma that is untreated. Please seek the healing you need and come back when you're ready. If you need recommendations, please reach out.
  • You might not be a good fit for this work if you are currently in large financial debt. Please get financial advice before signing up for any services with us.
  • You might not be a good fit for this work if you are not willing to learn & use technology & social media as part of your business. We predominantly specialize in Online business supplemented with off-line. 
  • You might not be a good fit for this work if you do not have time to commit to your growth, taking action & being part of the group/service. To get results your time, commitment and energy is required. 
  • You might not be a good fit for this service if you are not coachable, willing to take up advice or make changes as recommended by Shannon or her team.

Limitation of Liability

We take our obligations under New Zealand The Consumer Guarantee Act (CGA) of New Zealand seriously and will do our best to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, our liability is strictly limited to:

1. Replacing the services again

2. If we are unable to do so within a reasonable time, paying the cost of having the relevant goods or services supplied to you again.

If you feel that there is any problem with your purchase, please let us know [within 24 hours / 7 days / before the end of the session]. We are keen to understand what has gone wrong if you are unhappy so that we can address your concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable solution. Please email [email protected]

While we make all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website and our services meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go wrong that is not a direct result of our negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or related to our website, any products or services purchased through it, or any material posted on it, irrespective of whether such damages were foreseeable, and regardless of the nature of the claim. 

You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that we may make while providing my services. You understand that our advice is limited to providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values and vision, do your own research, and check with appropriately qualified professionals before making major decisions or making significant changes. You agree to indemnify us against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices. 

You expressly agree that if this limitation of liability is unenforceable for any reason, our total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind shall not exceed the amount that you have paid to us for our services. 

Intellectual Property


The content of this website, social media platforms and in all our programs / courses / resources / videos is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved.

You may not copy or reproduce any part of our publicly available content without our written consent. 

If you are a student participating in our training, course content may be viewed online or downloaded with 1 copy only to your device. You agree that you will not attempt to duplicate any part of our intellectual property under yours or someone else's name including all methods & formulas. Course content contains my trade secrets that are offered exclusively to students. It is an essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not provide extracts of any course content to anyone else under any circumstances. 

You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. 

Trade Marks

We own the unregistered trade marks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website, including BOW Academy™ name, BOW Academy Logo™, Birth Your Soul's Body of Work™ slogan, Shannon Rose Logo™. These trade marks whether registered or unregistered, may not be used in connection with any other product or service without a license, or in any way that is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace, or in any manner that disparages me or my business.

Payment Terms

All payments made through this website are processed using Stripe & Paypal.

We do not have access to your account details. Any financial information you enter is stored under Stripe’s security policy: https://stripe.com/docs/security/stripe.”

To sign up for a service, we require full payment or the first installment of a payment plan to begin the service. If you are joining a program or course, payment is required to start the program or course. If you use a payment plan with Shannon Brown, it is your responsibility to make sure sufficient funds are in the account on the billing date each month. If the payment is missed and not paid within 7 days of the billing date, a 10% missed payment fee will be deducted. If your credit card should expire, you will be required to promptly contact Shannon Brown to re-establish the payments. All payment plans must be completed within the time period allocated. We reserve the right to suspend your access until your payments are up to date. If your account goes into the void and is not paid for more than 60 days, your account will be passed on to a debt collection agency, where you will be liable for any and all debt collection fees, solicitor costs, that we may incur in taking steps to recover any money that you owe to us, whether or not legal proceedings are issued in relation to the debt.

Payment Plans:

Payment plans are offered for your convenience only, so you can spread your payment out over time. You are still committed to paying the whole amount, even if you change your mind about completing the service or program, as you have had access to our intellectual property. Long term programs are not memberships, they are full contract agreements and must be paid in full, even if using a monthly or weekly payment plan. There are no cancellations or refunds for change of mind. If you would like to leave a program before the allocated time, you may discuss with Shannon and early exit may be granted, however you may not hold us liable for this. It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to make payment installments on time.  


Unless otherwise stated, all Online sessions are conducted on Zoom. You will receive the link on booking, and in your emails or through the information in your course curriculum. You will need to download Zoom to your computer or phone here: https://zoom.us/. Have access to headphones or use the speaker on your device. As well as have a private space for the calls. If you do not show up for a paid call, you are entitled to book one more time, if you do not show up for the second time, you fee will be forfeited without a refund. 

Appointment Policies

If you do not show up for a paid one on one appointment, you are entitled to book one more time as arranged with me, if you do not show up for the second time, your fee will be forfeited without a refund. If you do not show up for any group sessions, this is at your own accord and you are not entitled to a refund. 

Refund Policy

We do not offer a refund if you change your mind, so you are encouraged to consider carefully whether a purchase is right for you before you make your payment. 

If for any reason we cannot complete your service because of sickness, bereavement or cancellation of the program, you will receive a refund for the amount paid and your time in the program/service. 

Subscription Based Cancellation:

If you cancel a membership subscription and have months left outstanding to pay, you will be required to pay these, before the cancellation is final. If you sign up for a Membership subscription that is a minimum term contract like 3 or 6 months, you must pay for the remaining months until the minimum term contract is complete.  This will be outlined in the specific membership terms. 

Respectful Communication

We reserve the right to delete any comments on our website or social media accounts which is rude, offensive or which we deem to be unacceptable. Keep it polite and play nicely, please!

If you sign up for a service, program, membership or course, please respect the confidentiality of other participants and do not share their personal information outside of the group.  During sessions, you may be included in the sharing of sensitive information. Please choose to respect the participant/speaker and refrain from discussing outside of sessions. You understand that Program online calls will be recorded with footage that may contain your participation and that the recordings may be used to create products such as online video, or marketing material. You give permission for this to occur. 

Dispute Resolution & Jurisdiction

If you have any concerns, issues or complaint arising out of your use of this website, our products or services, or these terms and conditions, you agree to communicate with us with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and trying to resolve the dispute in good faith through negotiation and discussion. Please email us at [email protected] and expect a response within 5 business days.

If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, we agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking mediation online or by telephone if we are not both geographically located within 100kms of each other.

The mediator is to be appointed by agreement between us or, failing agreement within 21 days of the negotiation period ending, the person initiating the dispute will seek the appointment of a dispute resolution professional by the Law Society of New Zealand or similar neutral authority. We agree to share all the costs of mediation equally between us.

We agree that neither of us will commence legal action until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.

If a disagreement or dispute arises, we all agree that we will not engage in any public discussion about the issues, we will behave politely towards each other, and we will avoid any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to unreasonably interfere with any other person’s business or personal interests.

This agreement is subject to the governing Law of New Zealand. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of New Zealand, and the Commonwealth of New Zealand, will have exclusive jurisdiction.


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